Sand Creek Ranch - Animal Communication,Intuitive classes and Coaching and Brokering Horses


Conversations With Animals
Bette has a unique way of communicating with animals. 
First of all, she rarely sees the Animal in person, but rather talks to them remotely/telepathically from her home.  This keeps her fees down to a reasonable rate.  She is willing to visit the Animal at his/her home if the person prefers, but will charge additional fees for travel time, based on where the Animal lives.
Secondly, although she can access information while talking to the animal’s person (either in person or by phone), she prefers to have the conversation without the person present.  Animals are like children and they often are reluctant to give a lot of information while their person is listening for fear that  they will upset their person, or their person will become angry with them. They are much more willing to talk freely and openly to Bette when their person is not around.  Also, without the input of the person in the conversation, Bette is free to access information through “Automatic Writing”. 
Automatic Writing is a technique that allows Bette to receive information directly from the Animal (and his/her Guides) in a quiet, relaxed manner.  Bette writes down the information and answers to questions that the animal gives to her during the conversation.  In doing so, the Animal (or his/her Guides) will often take over the writing so that Bette’s hand seems to write “automatically” without her having to think about it – the words just “flow” onto the page.  This technique often results in Bette receiving much more detailed information and information which may not otherwise come to her.
Bette will then call the person and relate the information to that person.  If the person needs clarification or the information brings up additional questions, then Bette can connect with the Animal again while the person is on the phone.
The information that Bette requests in advance for each animal is:
     -  Photo (if possible) - this helps Bette connect to the animal.  You can send it as an ATTACHMENT to an email (not in the body of the email) or text it to her (or if it is old, then mail).
     -  Type of Animal - dog, cat, horse, etc.
      -  Name
      -  Age
      -  Gender (male/female).
      -  Whether or not neutered/spayed
      -  Breed (if you know). 
      - Is the animal living or has the animal passed.  If passed, let Bette know when and give the information as of the time that he/she passed.
      - How old was he/she when he/she came to live with you (for instance, as a puppy/kitten/etc, or if later as an adult then how old)
      - Who lives with the animal besides you, and what are the relationships, ages, etc. (spouse, children, other animals, etc).  If the animal has passed, give the information as of the time that he/she passed.
      - A brief description of the issue you want Bette to discuss with the animal.  If you would prefer to tell Bette on the phone, that can be arranged.
Animal Communication Brochure


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Special Notice

The Perfect Gift for Birthday, Holiday, or Special Occasion for your animal-loving friends and family is a Gift Certificate for a conversation with their animal(s) by Bette Heller, Animal Communicator!!! Send an email to Bette for details.

Need help with your intuitive abilites? Schedule a private Intuitive Coaching Session with Bette

Due to the Coronavirus. I have NOT been hold in-person classes.
If there is enough interest in any of the scheduled classes, I will hold the class by Zoom/Skype (or other online service). There must be at least 4 students pre-registered with a non-refundable payment AT LEAST ONE WEEK BEFORE THE CLASS DATE so that we can make sure that the online service works for everyone. Written matierial will be emailed to students. See Events Calendar page or Upcoming Classes page for scheduled classes. Additional classes can be scheduled upon request.

Description of all classes are found under the Animal Communication Tab - Classes page.
See Upcoming Classes Tab for schedule.
Additional classes can be scheduled upon request.

Contact Bette to get on her email notices list.

Check out additional classes written by Bette - materials available for purchase.

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