Sand Creek Ranch - Animal Communication,Intuitive classes and Coaching and Brokering Horses

Client Testimonials

"Bette has a compassionate heart for people and animals, which really shines through in her work."
     - K.C., St. Paul, MN

"Bette was so professional and caring in the reading... she showed great skill... I also found her to be right on about many aspects of my life."
     - J.C., Denver, Colorado

"Thank you, Bette, for helping my dog and me deal with his illness and pending death. Your compasion and insights were invaluable. You helped him leave this world with dignity and grace, and helped me deal with my grief. You truly have a gift."
     - Nancy, South Carolina

"Bette was very helpful and kind, and gave me some good advice about my career. Her insights were right-on."
     - Janice, Denver, Colorado

"When Bette went into my past lives, she was able to make the connections to my life today and what I am dealing with on a daily basis."
     - Jaqueline, Denver, Colorado

"When my horse died, Bette was able to communicate with his spirit and help me work through my grief. I can't thank her enough!"
     - Sharon, Buffalo, New York

"Thank you, Bette, for locating our (dog) dear best friend Bailey, who had run off. You gave us such a gift. He has been a huge part of my heart for almost nine years. He was exactly where you said he would be. We are so grateful to have had your help. He is back with us and happy and safe."
     - Jeri K., Littleton, CO

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Special Notice

The Perfect Gift for Birthday, Holiday, or Special Occasion for your animal-loving friends and family is a Gift Certificate for a conversation with their animal(s) by Bette Heller, Animal Communicator!!! Send an email to Bette for details.

Need help with your intuitive abilites? Schedule a private Intuitive Coaching Session with Bette

Due to the Coronavirus. I have NOT been hold in-person classes.
If there is enough interest in any of the scheduled classes, I will hold the class by Zoom/Skype (or other online service). There must be at least 4 students pre-registered with a non-refundable payment AT LEAST ONE WEEK BEFORE THE CLASS DATE so that we can make sure that the online service works for everyone. Written matierial will be emailed to students. See Events Calendar page or Upcoming Classes page for scheduled classes. Additional classes can be scheduled upon request.

Description of all classes are found under the Animal Communication Tab - Classes page.
See Upcoming Classes Tab for schedule.
Additional classes can be scheduled upon request.

Contact Bette to get on her email notices list.

Check out additional classes written by Bette - materials available for purchase.

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