Prices and Fees:
To pay, you can send a check to the address listed on the "Contact Us" tab;
or for a quicker response, you can use the PayPal button on this page.
Current prices are as listed below:
Animal Communication: $90.00 1 - 2 animals in a single household. Time capped at 1 hour = half hour for talking with the animal(s) and half hour to give the client the results and any clarification from the animal(s)
$30.00 for each additional animal in the same household.
Time capped at half hour per animal
If you do not see the right amount in the payment menu, use the "Donate" button, and enter the amount you want to pay.
Intuitive Coaching Sessions: $100.00 an hour
$50.00 for Introduction (Level I) class $80.00 Level II and Level III classes Price of other classes may vary
Be sure to contact Bette at 303-898-8962 or to let her know that you are signing up for a Class and to give her your contact information so you can receive notices sent to students about the Class.
Other arrangements can also be made by contacting Bette at 303-898-8962 or
Once another fee is agreed upon with Bette, you can merely click the "Donate" button and enter the amount agreed upon.
How to Pay:
To pay, you can send a check to the address listed on the "Contact Us" tab;
or for a quicker response, you can use the PayPal button on this page.
If you do not see the right fee on the payment menu, merely click the "Donate" button and enter the amount you want to pay. |