Sand Creek Ranch - Animal Communication,Intuitive classes and Coaching and Brokering Horses


Bette has been an animal lover since the day she was born; and she has always had animals in her life.  She currently shares her life with a dog, a cat and four horses.
In 1998 she met Joyce Leake, an Animal Communicator in Kiowa, Colorado, and creator of Animal University.  She took her courses and received her Certificate in Animal Communication.
At that time, most of her communications were with her own animals or those belonging to friends.
In 2010, she decided to expand her horizons and pursue this talent as a second career.  She increased her intuitive abilities by studying with Karen Fox, Psychic and director of the Aspen Program for Psychic Development in Englewood, Colorado.  She has received Certificates from that school in Psychic Development, Medical Intuitive, and Mediumship.
Bette offers Intuitive Readings for people and animals, either living “in body” or deceased “in spirit”:
“My goal with Intuitive Readings is to help people attain a greater sense of peace and joy.”
Intuitive Readings can help with:
• Career Choices
• Relationship issues
• Health Issues
• How past life events effect the present
• Unresolved issues with those who have passed
“My goal with Animal Communication is to help Animals and their Human Companions understand one another, and live together in harmony.”
Animal Communication can help with:
• Behavioral Problems
• Health Issues
• Knowing what an animal thinks/wants
• Unresolved issues with animals who have passed
Mourning The Loss of a Beloved Pet - author unknown
Animal Communication Brochure
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Special Notice

The Perfect Gift for Birthday, Holiday, or Special Occasion for your animal-loving friends and family is a Gift Certificate for a conversation with their animal(s) by Bette Heller, Animal Communicator!!! Send an email to Bette for details.

Need help with your intuitive abilites? Schedule a private Intuitive Coaching Session with Bette

Due to the Coronavirus. I have NOT been hold in-person classes.
If there is enough interest in any of the scheduled classes, I will hold the class by Zoom/Skype (or other online service). There must be at least 4 students pre-registered with a non-refundable payment AT LEAST ONE WEEK BEFORE THE CLASS DATE so that we can make sure that the online service works for everyone. Written matierial will be emailed to students. See Events Calendar page or Upcoming Classes page for scheduled classes. Additional classes can be scheduled upon request.

Description of all classes are found under the Animal Communication Tab - Classes page.
See Upcoming Classes Tab for schedule.
Additional classes can be scheduled upon request.

Contact Bette to get on her email notices list.

Check out additional classes written by Bette - materials available for purchase.

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